5520 Fremont Pike, Stony Ridge, Ohio

Pre-K Program

4 Years old by August 1st

Instructional Time

Half-Day Pre-K:
Monday – Friday 

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Full-Day Pre-K:
Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Extended Care

Monday – Friday
7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

A Sample Day

The children will be involved in activities such as: rhythm and movement, sound/letter correspondence, building friendships/bonds, bible study, memorization, practicing listening skills, sharing words/stories/interests, literacy experiences (vast and varied), hands-on interactive experiences (cooking projects, science experiments), problem solving, using critical thinking skills. They will follow a routine, getting familiar with and comfortable with a schedule. They will develop a sense of being part of a group, build their self-confidence, and learn to appreciate and embrace the differences among them.

Once a week the children will attend a short devotional story or lesson in the chapel led by either a staff member, pastor, youth director or the administrator.

Hands-on learning games, which promote academic readiness, are available for individual, teacher directed, and small group play.

Children engage in hands on developmentally appropriate activities across the curriculum.

The teacher will assist and direct the group to focus on one or two specific skills (i.e. holding scissors, writing name, letter recognition). The teacher may also assess at this time. The teacher is able to determine the individual needs of her students and create learning opportunities to move them forward.

Running, relays, tumbling, recreation equipment, games, creative movement, and development of large muscles. Through a variety of games, music, and movement the teacher will plan daily activities that give children practice in cooperation, teamwork, large and small muscle development, participating individually and in a group, and being introduced to new games.